Health Coaching

The world of Nutrition is complex and ever changing!  Study after nutritional study contradict each other, and often the outcome is driven by who is behind the funding – not reliable! This means we can’t fall prey to the latest diet fad or new system of healing, believing it the ultimate “answer” for our own health and wellness.

Our lives are so busy, sometimes leading us into unhealthy ruts with our eating and lifestyle habits. We sometimes make choices that we know don’t support our health out of a slow burn of convenience, comfort, lack of knowledge and many other reasons. So the time to gain composure in your food and lifestyle choices is now… before you are faced with health issues that compromise your energy, weight, sleep and general well-being.

Each of us are complex metabolic beings, and although there is no one perfect diet for everyone, there are very important criteria to help you make the best nutritional and health choices for yourself.

My specialty is to help you sort through and determine which criteria are essential for you, as well as, guide you to taking action in ways that best suit your taste buds and lifestyle preferences.

If you are struggling with issues that cause discomfort, or simply want to avoid problems in the future, consider joining me for a private, one-to-one coaching experience. I will explain what you need to know and create a customized plan that serves your need for delicious food as well as supports your health.

Start feeling better now, both inside and out!

Each of us has an ideal weight that makes us feel great and function optimally. An ideal weight is different for each individual. It is important to accept ourselves for who we and not aspire to societies idea of perfection. There are cases where overweight or underweight can interfere with our health and happiness leading to illnesses such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, certain cancers, gout, gallstones and depression.

We often fall into eating patterns based on what we ate in our childhood, who we hang out with, our society, as well as past psychological and emotional influences which lead us to eat or not eat to attain comfort or refuge.

Food can and should be delicious and comforting. I have observed countless “diets” and seen the effects of what does and does not work.

Why Weight Loss/Life Gain Coaching Can Benefit You:


  • Weight loss/gain is something you want, but haven’t cracked the code on sustaining it permanently.
  • Weight loss precipitates loss of inflammation. Inflammation is the breeding ground for all disease, aches and pains. Decreasing inflammation in the body is essential in dealing with physical pain.
  • Your energy will skyrocket and most people report a much lighter and happier mood. Depression often lifts.
  • Your memory may improve, risk of cancer will be lower and risk of heart disease goes down.
  • Food tastes better! And in the process, you will learn new and delicious foods that continue with you far beyond your immediate weight loss or gain goals.
  • Working out gets more fun and your bones and joints will love you for it.
  • Spend less money on health care for the rest of your life! The time is now to put your stake in the ground and claim your health and happiness. It would be my honor and pleasure to guide you and hold you accountable until you reach your goals!

Long referred to as “The Change,” menopause is a time of physical, emotional and psychological transformation! The average age of menopause is 50 years old with perimenopause beginning several years beforehand.

Women often spend their entire lives taking care of others. If self-care has not been a priority in your life, menopause will demand you pay attention to yourself.

Perimenopause often begins at a time when we are both raising children and caring for aging parents which can be challenging at best. It is the perfect time to reflect on our lives, and make the changes that will create more ease as menopause appears. Done right, menopause is a time to renew, review your priorities and reclaim yourself! Sadly, menopause is often treated as a disease and women are afraid of what will happen. Rightfully so, many women are plagued with unwanted and tedious symptoms that last many what seems like forever.

A Wake Forest study reports that the uncomfortable symptoms associated with menopause were once thought to last 1-2 years. Studies now show women are experiencing discomfort and hot flashed an average of 7.5 years and many up to 14 years!

With the average life span of 80 years, women spend a third of their lives post menopause. Are we willing to give this much of our lives away? The secret is that these can truly be joyful and vital years! Don’t wait until you are drenched in a night sweat to realize your time for self-care is upon you.

Strategies for perimenopause and menopausal care are extremely individual and based on personal lifestyle factors, genetics and much more. I am here to help you create the right plan to reap the magic and rewards of menopause and keep the discomfort to an absolute minimum!

We will look at signs and symptoms of perimenopause and menopause, review options for symptoms, treatment, review your nutrition and supplement choices, explore stress and anxiety reduction techniques and strengthen and align yourself in a comprehensive way towards health and wellness!
