What to Expect

This work is my passion and my specialty. I have many years of gathering knowledge and great empathy for others, which I believe makes me a highly successful coach! I look forward to sharing this experience with you. Here is some of what you can expect.

  • Prior to Our Appointment

    Prior to our consultation, I will send you a health history form which you will complete and return to me. That will help me gather information about you prior to our meeting. I am interested in all aspects of your past and present health issues, family history, sensitivities, stress level and much more. My goal is to see the big picture of you.

  • Our First Meeting

    Our first meeting will be either in person at my office or via phone. We will be together around 75 minutes. I will be asking you many questions regarding your health profile based on your specific situation and needs. I want to discover as much about you as possible and will be digging deep into what makes you tick.

    My goal in our initial meeting is to review all of your present nourishment and lifestyle choices. We will determine what is working and what needs to change. Together we will create a plan of action to address your concerns and move forward. We will be very specific in our decisions based on your individual needs. There is no perfect plan or diet for everyone. I want you to be clear, comfortable and in agreement with the changes being suggested. It is very possible to achieve your health and wellness goals in a realistic way that truly works.

    My intention is to create an individualized plan for you and support you in implementing that plan! I will hold you accountable, educate you and generally support you to reach your goals. Positive changes are highly possible with a great plan and proper support!

    You will leave our first meeting with a tangible plan and whatever educational information we choose for you.

  • After Our Appointment

    After our initial meeting, we will be in contact via email with any questions that may arise. We will meet again for a follow up appointment a week or so later. This will be a one hour appointment. We will review the past week, discuss the successes and challenges you are experiencing and continue to refine our plan.

  • Your Takeaways

    Meeting together to reinforce your choices and support you in these positive changes is critical to long term success. It takes many years for us to fall into negative health patterns and it takes time to create new brain pathways that stick! Repetition of healthy choices will change your life. My hope is that we will have follow up appointments every week, then every 2 weeks, then once a month until you have attained your goals, eliminated or greatly improved your health issues and are thriving and happy!